Building Relationships Through Welcome Series - amplifiedNOW
Building Relationships Through Welcome Series

Building Relationships Through Welcome Series

Building Relationships Through Welcome Series

Hellloooo, friend! Great to see you’re keen on learning about how to up your relationship-building game. You’re in the right place!

Its all about the first impression!!

As in life, so in email marketing: First impressions matter, folks!

Perfecting your “Hey there!” is where our mighty Welcome Series comes into play.

Welcome Series: The What

Wondering What is a Welcome Series? It’s just like it sounds.

It’s a series of introductory emails designed to make new subscribers feel at home. Think of it as a warm cup of Uncle Sam’s apple pie…in digital form.

How it Works

Oops! Did we just hear a “how”? Don’t sweat it, folks, it’s easier than corn shucking at a county fair.

Most Welcome Series follow a simple, three-part format that’s as easy as apple pie.

Email 1: The Handshake

Put your best foot forward with a friendly hello and a thank-you for subscribing.

Email 2: The Get-to-know-you

Share a bit about your company’s background, values, and what makes you tick.

Email 3: The Value Proposition

Showcase your products or services and demonstrate the real value you’ll be providing to subscribers.

The Benefits: Major Key Alert!

Come closer now, here’s the real kicker.

Why should you care about a Welcome Series? Well, let’s spill some tea!

Increase Engagement

  • The Welcome Series sets the tone and expectations for your relationship moving forward.
  • Well-executed ones have a track record of improving open and click-through rates.

Boost Revenue

  • Economically speaking folks, these introductory emails have been shown to generate about 320% more revenue per email than other promotional emails. Yes, you read that right!


If you haven’t considered a Welcome Series already, now’s the time!

Welcome your customers to the tribe like a boss, earn engagement brownie points and drive that revenue through the roof. Get on the bandwagon y’all! For more intel check out this Hubspot guide.


In this digital age, making a good first impression is more important than ever. Enter the Welcome Series: a sequence of emails automatically sent to new subscribers, introducing them to your brand and making them feel… well, welcomed! Imagine it as a warm cup of Uncle Sam’s apple pie, but in digital form.

How it Works

Did we just hear a “how”? Don’t sweat it, folks! The procedure is easier than pie. Most Welcome Series follow a simple three-part format:

Email 1: The Handshake

This is where you give a friendly hello and thank your customer for subscribing.

Email 2: The Get-to-know-you

Here’s a chance for you to share a bit about your company’s background, values, and why you do what you do.

Email 3: The Value Proposition

Illustrate the products or services you provide and explain the real value that you’ll be offering to the subscribers.

The Benefits: Major Key Alert!

Now hold your horses because this is where it gets exciting. Why should you care about a Welcome Series? Let’s get straight to it:

Increase Engagement

  • A well-executed Welcome Series sets the tone for your relationship with a customer, making them more likely to interact with your future emails.
  • It also significantly improves open and click-through rates.

Boost Revenue

  • Believe it or not, these emails generate about 320% more revenue per email than any other promotional emails. Yes, it’s true!


If the thought of setting up a Welcome Series hasn’t crossed your mind yet, the time is now! Welcome your customers like a boss, earn engagement points and skyrocket your revenue. For more tips and tricks, check out this Hubspot guide.


We’ve all heard the saying: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The same holds true for email marketing. When someone subscribes to your email list, it’s a golden opportunity for you to create a strong first impression that will shape their perception of your brand. This is where the Welcome Series comes in. Today we’ll be walking you through the ins and outs of setting up a Welcome Series for your subscribers. It’s a simple, powerful tool that can skyrocket both engagement and revenue. Intrigued? Let’s dive in!


The nuts and bolts of a Welcome Series rely on a straightforward three-part format. Here’s a brief rundown:

Email 1: The Handshake

The Handshake is the initial “Hello” – a warm welcome to your new subscriber. It’s important to express gratitude for their subscription right off the bat. This sets a friendly and engaging tone right from the beginning.

Email 2: The Get-to-know-you

This email is your opportunity to introduce your brand. You can talk about your company’s backstory, core values, and the mission that drives your work. This is how you build a deeper connection with your subscribers.

Email 3: The Value Proposition

In this email, lay out the essential services or products you offer. Show your subscribers the real value they are going to get from your brand. This sets up the expectation for your future interactions with them.


Wondering why a Welcome Series is a big deal? Here are the key benefits:

Increase Engagement

  • A well-executed Welcome Series paves the way for a meaningful relationship with your subscribers. It increases the likelihood they will interact with your future emails.
  • The Welcome Series can dramatically improve your open and click-through rates.

Boost Revenue

  • This might surprise you, but Welcome Series emails generate considerably more revenue per email than any other promotional emails. Incredible, isn’t it?

In Conclusion

If you haven’t given a thought to a Welcome Series yet, there’s no time like the present. Not only can it help you shape your first impression with subscribers, but it can also increase engagement with your audience and boost your revenue. For more tips on email marketing, don’t forget to check out this HubSpot guide.

Quick Recap

When it comes to email marketing, the Welcome Series can’t be ignored. Its three pillar emails – the ‘Hello’, ‘Get-to-know-you’, and ‘Value Proposition’ – work in harmony to introduce who you are to your email subscribers, tell your brand’s story, and present your company’s offerings in a compelling way. The benefits are impressive, potentially boosting subscriber engagement and generating more revenue than other promotional emails. If you want to learn more about email marketing, this HubSpot guide is a great resource.

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